What is iOS?


What is iOS?


iOS is one of the most prevalent mobile operating systems in the market, and here are its main characteristics.


What is iOS?

If we recently looked at what Android was, this time it's iOS's turn, another leading mobile operating system. iOS (short for "iPhone Operating System") is a proprietary operating system developed by Apple Inc. used on devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other devices like televisions or mp4 players, including the popular iPhone, iPad, and iPod.


In essence, it is quite similar to Android, allowing us to install applications or apps to enhance the functionalities of our devices. In addition to basic phone functions, we have access to office apps, productivity tools, cloud storage, educational apps, games, and much more. Technologically, it does not support technologies like Java or Flash, which means that some components of web pages may not be accessible from its browsers and other applications. To install applications, we can use its official store, the App Store, which currently offers close to a million apps.


Regarding its differences with Android, the main one is that iOS is restricted to Apple's own devices, whereas Android can be installed on a myriad of devices. Moreover, the security level is much higher on iOS devices, particularly concerning viruses or malware. Apps undergo a stricter validation process, and the system firmware is more robust. Conversely, an amateur developer will encounter more obstacles when publishing applications or any kind of multimedia documents. In summary, leaving aside company policies and economic factors, we could differentiate them by saying that Android is more open while iOS is more secure.

System screenshots on different devices



iOS vs Android Comparison

Comparison by TecnonautaTV between iOS and Android


Usage Statistics

According to Gartner Inc., these were the sales figures in the last quarters of the previous year, giving an idea of the sales volumes and presence of each system. As we can see, Android and iOS are the two main options:





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